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Phonetic spelling of Bui

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Meanings for Bui

It's a surname that is originated in Vietnam.
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Wiki content for Bui

Bui - Bui may refer to:
Building information modeling - Building information modeling (BIM) is a process supported by various tools, technologies and contracts involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and fun
Buick Regal - The Buick Regal is an upscale mid-sized automobile that was first introduced by Buick for the 1973 model year.
Buick - Buick () is a division of the American automobile manufacturer General Motors (GM). Named for automotive pioneer David Buick, it was among the first American marques of automobiles, and was t
Building material - Building material is any material which is used for construction purposes. Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, rocks, sand, and wood, even twigs and leaves, have been used to
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Examples of in a sentence

TWRA Reports No Boating Fatalities, 11 BUI Arrests Over Holiday Weekend
Listen TWRA Reports No Boating Fatalities, 11 BUI Arrests Over Holiday Weekend pronunciation
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Hai Dang Bui, Mohamed Mahfouz: Rhodes men front court on drugs charges
Listen Hai Dang Bui, Mohamed Mahfouz: Rhodes men front court on drugs charges pronunciation
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Sister of Leila Bui to make over 7,000 cranes for fundraiser
Listen Sister of Leila Bui to make over 7,000 cranes for fundraiser pronunciation
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Parliament gives legal backing to Bui Power Authority
Listen Parliament gives legal backing to Bui Power Authority pronunciation
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1 Boating-Related Fatality, 9 BUI Arrests Made Over July 4th, Operation Dry Water Weekend
Listen 1 Boating-Related Fatality, 9 BUI Arrests Made Over July 4th, Operation Dry Water Weekend pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Translations of Bui

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Trending news on Bui

TWRA Reports No Boating Fatalities, 11 BUI Arrests Over Holiday Weekend
Listen TWRA Reports No Boating Fatalities, 11 BUI Arrests Over Holiday Weekend pronunciation
Operation Dry Water is held with the Independence Day holiday to give BUI enforcement high visibility during the peak boating season. The TWRA reported 11 BUI arrests over the three-day peri..View article
image-unavailable Chattanoogan.com
Hai Dang Bui, Mohamed Mahfouz: Rhodes men front court on drugs charges
Listen Hai Dang Bui, Mohamed Mahfouz: Rhodes men front court on drugs charges pronunciation
Rhodes men Hai Dang Bui, 24, and 26-year-old Mohamed Fawaz Mahfouz had their cases mentioned in the Burwood Local Court on Wednesday two months after they were picked up and charged by polic..View article
image-unavailable The Daily Telegraph
Sister of Leila Bui to make over 7,000 cranes for fundraiser
Listen Sister of Leila Bui to make over 7,000 cranes for fundraiser pronunciation
In the days after Leila Bui was struck by a vehicle in 2017, her family looked for ways to occupy themselves while in the hospital. Myla, Leila’s younger sister, had heard about a Japanese ...View article
image-unavailable BC Local News
Parliament gives legal backing to Bui Power Authority
Listen Parliament gives legal backing to Bui Power Authority pronunciation
Parliament has passed into law the Bui Power Authority (Amendment), Bill 2020 for the purpose of amending the Bui Power Auditory Act, 2007 (Act 740) and empower the Bui Power Authority to de..View article
image-unavailable Ghanaweb.com
1 Boating-Related Fatality, 9 BUI Arrests Made Over July 4th, Operation Dry Water Weekend
Listen 1 Boating-Related Fatality, 9 BUI Arrests Made Over July 4th, Operation Dry Water Weekend pronunciation
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency reports there was one boating-related fatality and nine boating under the influence (BUI) arrests made over a four-day span which included the Indepen..View article
image-unavailable Chattanoogan.com
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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