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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : brəʊʧ
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Meanings for broach

a decorative pin worn by women
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bring up a topic for discussion
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Wiki content for broach

Examples of in a sentence

Rotary Broach facilitates in-lathe/-machine part stamping.
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So why do so few people ever broach the topic?
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Linkage: Bank of China Eyes 7 Bryant Park; Creatives Broach Deep Queens
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Reshoring Manufacturers to Mark Made in USA with Polygon Rotary Broach Solution
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How to broach a difficult topic with someone you’re starting to date
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Trending news on broach

Japan should broach Saudi journalist's murder at G20 summit: fiancee
While issues remain,regarding Khashoggi's death, Japan, particularly Abe, should keep his mouth shut on the issue. It's Donny's job to speak out about this given Khashoggi was a permanent re..View article
Japan Today Japan Today
Artists who've dared to broach Tiananmen pushed into shadows
Li is an outspoken artist who performs folk rock. He sang pensive ballads about social ills, and unlike most entertainers in China, dared to broach the taboo subject of the Tiananmen Square..View article
image-unavailable ABC News
BROACH, Linwood Stanley, 95, of Richmond, born August 7, 1923, went to be with the Lord Monday, July 22, 2019. He was the widower of Sadie Jannie Allen Broach; also preceded in death by his..View article
Richmond Richmond
How Do I Broach the Subject of Manscaping?
And he's not exactly well manicured in that department. How do I broach the subject of manscaping with him? Tangled Teabag (male, 35) Dear Tangled Teabag, If you two are close enough for him..View article
Seven Days Seven Days
Foolish to broach the idea of shifting Amaravati: Kanna
Stating that the previous government had invested lot of money on the construction of various buildings and laying seed access roads, Mr. Lakshminarayana said it would be foolish even to bro..View article
thehindu.com thehindu.com
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