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    Meanings for Brielle

    Brielle is referred to as a name which means "God is my strength". It is originated from Hebrew and it is short for the name Gabrielle, the name of an angel.
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    Wiki content for Brielle

    Brielle - Brielle (pronounced [ˈbrilə] (listen)), also called Den Briel (Brill in English) is a town, municipality and historic seaport in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland, on
    Brielle, New Jersey - Brielle is a borough located in southern Monmouth County, New Jersey along the Manasquan River. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 4,774, reflecting a decline o
    Brielle Davis - Brielle Davis (born 1984 in Sydney, Australia) is an Australian recording artist mostly known for her song Serial Thriller which received good publicity during 2006.
    Brielle School District - The Brielle School District is a community public school district that serves students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade from Brielle, in Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States.
    Brielles - Brielles (Breton: Brielloù, Gallo: Berièll) is a commune in the Ille-et-Vilaine department in Brittany in northwestern France.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    The Hollidaysburg Church of the Brethren will donate the money from Saturday’s concert to Brielle Harmon's family
    190 ratings rating ratings
    The Rockanje Lake near Brielle is remarkable for the strong salty solution which covers even the growing reeds with a 1 The datum plane, or basis of the measurement of heights, is throughout Holland, and also in some of the border districts of Germany, the Amsterdamsch Peil (A.P.), or Amsterdam wate
    176 ratings rating ratings
    ‘Don’t Be Tardy’ Star Kim Zolciak Defends Brielle Over Alcohol Rumors
    163 ratings rating ratings
    Most of the trade of Brielle was diverted to Hellevoetsluis by the cutting of the Voornsche Canal in 1829, but it still has some business in corn and fodder, as well as a few factories.
    149 ratings rating ratings
    Brielle Biermann Thinks Mom Kim Zolciak Would Be ‘Insane’ to Have Baby No. 7
    Listen Brielle Biermann Thinks Mom Kim Zolciak Would Be ‘Insane’ to Have Baby No. 7 pronunciation
    108 ratings rating ratings
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    Translations of Brielle

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    Trending news on Brielle

    Brielle Biermann of Don't Be Tardy DENIES having plastic surgery
    Listen Brielle Biermann of Don't Be Tardy DENIES having plastic surgery pronunciation
    Brielle Biermann has a shapely figure and a photogenic face that has lit up reality TV, but in recent years the star has been accused of getting plastic surgery to look more like her mom Kim..View article
    image-unavailable Daily Mail
    Brielle Biermann denies having plastic surgery
    Listen Brielle Biermann denies having plastic surgery pronunciation
    Brielle Biermann chalked up her ever-changing look to her age, denying she has had work done. During Sunday’s “Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen” aftershow, Kim Zolciak’s 24-year-old d..View article
    Page Six Page Six
    Caldwell-West Caldwell BOE Conducts First Live Meeting Since March 2020; Honors Brielle Guarente
    Listen Caldwell-West Caldwell BOE Conducts First Live Meeting Since March 2020; Honors Brielle Guarente pronunciation
    For the first time since March 2020, the Caldwell-West Caldwell Board of Education, in an attempt to return to normalcy, met in person at the Harrison School with
    TAPinto TAPinto
    Brielle golfer Austin Devereux heads to NCAAs, as Rider standout continues unlikely rise
    Listen Brielle golfer Austin Devereux heads to NCAAs, as Rider standout continues unlikely rise pronunciation
    Rider was the only scholarship offer Austin Devereux got out of Manasquan High School. Now he's emerging as one of the country's top players.
    app.com on MSN.com app.com on MSN.com
    A Breakdown of Brielle Biermann’s Transformation — As Told by the ‘Don’t Be Tardy’ Star
    Listen A Breakdown of Brielle Biermann’s Transformation — As Told by the ‘Don’t Be Tardy’ Star pronunciation
    “I get irritated when they come for Brielle,” she later told People. “I think people have calmed down about the nose — Brielle’s has not had a nose job.” Melissa Gorga's Plastic ...
    image-unavailable Life & Style Weekly
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