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IPA : briːft
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Meanings for Briefed

It is a verb with the synonym to instruct. The present form of this word is brief and the past and past participle form is briefed. The word also speaks about the particular information, task or note that has been drafted from important event or speech.
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Examples of in a sentence

County Board members briefed on jailbreak attempt
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Ag secretary briefed on nutrition, dairy, climate research
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You do need to make your feelings known to your solicitor about having an inadequately briefed stand-in!
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They don an anorak, and are briefed as to their mission.
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Palmer, who had been advising the British government during these negotiations, and who (4th August 1871) had defended the treaty in the House of Commons, was briefed on behalf of Great Britain.
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Briefed should be in sentence

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Translations of Briefed

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