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Pronunciation of bridged with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : brɪʤd
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Examples of in a sentence

The low island of Anglesey, which is built tip of the fundamental Archaean rocks, is important as a link in the main line of communication with Ireland, because it is separated from the mainland by a channel narrow enough to be bridged, and lies not far out of the straight line joining London and Du
Here the temporal fossa is bridged over by the junction of the post-frontal and squamosal processes (pf., sq.).
There is a great gap to be bridged between the highest anthropoid and the lowest man, and much importance has been attached to the discovery of an extinct primate, Pithecanthropus, which has been regarded as the missing link.
That certain Fellows of the College of Physicians (especially in gynaecology) have personally taken operative procedures in hand is some good omen that in time the unreal and mischievous schism between medicine and surgery may be bridged over.

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