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Learn how to pronounce Breonne

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Meanings for Breonne
It is an Irish-originated feminine name that means 'fairy palace'.
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Collections on Breonne
Wiki content for Breonne
Brenner, South Tyrol
- Brenner (German pronunciation: [ˈbrɛnɐ]; Italian: Brennero [ˈbrɛnnero]; Ladin: Prëner) is a comune in South Tyrol in northern Italy, located about 60 km (37 mi) north of Bolzano on the border
Brenner Pass
- The Brenner Pass (German: Brennerpass [ˈbʁɛnɐpas]; Italian: Passo del Brennero [ˈpasso del ˈbrɛnnero]) is a mountain pass through the Alps which forms the border between Italy and Austria.
Brenner Base Tunnel
- The Brenner Base Tunnel (German: Brennerbasistunnel; Italian: Galleria di base del Brennero) is an under-construction 55-kilometre-long (34 mi) railway tunnel through the base of the Eastern
Breanne Düren
- Breanne Elizabeth Dürenberger (born October 9, 1987), better known by her stage name Breanne Düren, is an American musician best known for her work with electronic music project Owl City and
Brenner v. Scott
- In Brenner v. Scott and its companion case, Grimsley v. Scott, a U.S. district court found Florida's constitutional and statutory same-sex marriage bans unconstitutional.
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