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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbrɪʧɪz ˈbriːʧɪz
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Phonetic spelling of breeches

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Meanings for breeches

They are a type of clothing that covers the body from the waist down, with separate coverings for each leg, usually stopping just below the knee but sometimes reaching all the way to the ankles.
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Examples of in a sentence

He published Pike County Ballads (1871) - the most famous being Little Breeches - a volume worthy to rank with Bret Harte, if not with the Lowell of the Bigelow Papers; Castilian Days (1871), recording his observations in Spain; and a volume of Poems (1890); with John G.
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He replaced a stack of breeches into the trunk he pulled them from, only for a small book to fall out.
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BAE systems have come up with a novel method of stopping Wi-Fi security breeches.
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Conrad wears breeches or short trousers with a tunic.
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For the boys a dozen pairs of leather breeches were purchased.
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