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Breaking bad

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Phonetic spelling of Breaking bad

breaking bad
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break-ing bad
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Meanings for Breaking bad

A popular American crime series, which has garnered numerous awards.
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Examples of in a sentence

‘Breaking Bad’ Creator Vince Gilligan’s 2013 Guest Column: Showing the Effects of Violence
Listen ‘Breaking Bad’ Creator Vince Gilligan’s 2013 Guest Column: Showing the Effects of Violence pronunciation
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Breaking Bad: Every Major Death Ranked
Listen Breaking Bad: Every Major Death Ranked pronunciation
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Giancarlo Esposito Shares Idea for Gus Fring-Focused ‘Breaking Bad’ Prequel
Listen Giancarlo Esposito Shares Idea for Gus Fring-Focused ‘Breaking Bad’ Prequel pronunciation
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Giancarlo Esposito Pitches a Breaking Bad Prequel About the Rise of Gus Fring
Listen Giancarlo Esposito Pitches a Breaking Bad Prequel About the Rise of Gus Fring pronunciation
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Breaking bad? Quite the opposite with latest Olympic sport set to shift traditional thinking
Listen Breaking bad? Quite the opposite with latest Olympic sport set to shift traditional thinking pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of Breaking bad

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Trending news on Breaking bad

Cyberpunk 2077: Breaking Bad, John Wick, The Matrix and more Easter eggs in-game
Listen Cyberpunk 2077: Breaking Bad, John Wick, The Matrix and more Easter eggs in-game pronunciation
One of the highest-rated TV shows of all time, Breaking Bad also finds its way into Cyberpunk 2077, courtesy of not one but two Easter eggs. The first of these Easter eggs is in the form of..View article
image-unavailable Sportskeeda
Real-Life ‘Breaking Bad?’ Hyderabad PhD Chemistry Holder Arrested For Making Mephedrone Drug Worth Rs 63 Lakh!
Listen Real-Life ‘Breaking Bad?’ Hyderabad PhD Chemistry Holder Arrested For Making Mephedrone Drug Worth Rs 63 Lakh! pronunciation
Hyderabad: In a case, which is strikingly similar to TV drama Breaking Bad, a PhD degree holder chemist was arrested for manufacturing banned psychotropic substance, mephedrone, worth more t..View article
image-unavailable India.com
Breaking bad: How shattered chromosomes make cancer cells drug-resistant
Listen Breaking bad: How shattered chromosomes make cancer cells drug-resistant pronunciation
Scientists describe how a phenomenon known as 'chromothripsis' breaks up chromosomes, which then reassemble in ways that ultimately promote cancer cell growth. Cancer is one of the world's ...View article
image-unavailable Science Daily
Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston plays a compromised judge in Your Honor
Listen Breaking Bad's Bryan Cranston plays a compromised judge in Your Honor pronunciation
LOS ANGELES - Bryan Cranston is headlining a television show for the first time since his run on the critically revered Breaking Bad (2008 to 2013), in which he played schoolteacher-turned-d..View article
image-unavailable The Straits Times
11 Cool Breaking Bad Christmas Gift Ideas For Fans Of The AMC Series
Listen 11 Cool Breaking Bad Christmas Gift Ideas For Fans Of The AMC Series pronunciation
However, these magnets are specially made for fans of Breaking Bad and feature specific words that are ripped right from series’ most memorable, dialogue-driven moments. Whether they choose..View article
image-unavailable Cinema Blend
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