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Phonetic spelling of Braela

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Meanings for Braela

It is an English feminine name.
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Wiki content for Braela

Braemar - Braemar (listen) is a village in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, around 58 miles (93 km) west of Aberdeen in the Highlands.
Bramlage Coliseum - Fred Bramlage Coliseum is a 12,528-seat multi-purpose arena in Manhattan, Kansas. The arena's primary function is as home to the men's and women's basketball teams for Kansas State University
Braemar Hill murders - The Braemar Hill murders (Chinese: 寶馬山雙屍案) occurred in Hong Kong on 20 April 1985, when local British teenagers Kenneth McBride and Nicola Myers were killed by a group of five young gangsters
Barelvi - Barelvi (Urdu: بَریلوِی‎, Barēlwī, Urdu pronunciation: [bəreːlʋi]) is a movement following the Sunni Hanafi school of jurisprudence, with over 200 million followers in South Asia.
Braemar Power Station - Braemar Power Station is a complex of natural gas and coal seam gas fired combined-cycle power stations in Kogan, Western Downs Region, Queensland, Australia.
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Translations of Braela

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