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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbrækɪʃ
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    Meanings for brackish

    A marshland that develops from salt marshes where the freshwater dilutes from the seawater.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    In the past, around 53 to 38 million years ago (the Eocene epoch ), the Arctic was not a frozen tundra -- rather, it was more like a huge temperate forest with brackish water
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    An allied genus Zannichellia (named after Zanichelli, a Venetian botanist), occurring in fresh and brackish ditches and.
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    In the brackish waters of the east coast sea fish are found, together with pike, perch and other fresh-water forms. The crayfish is common in many places in central and southern Sweden.
    30 ratings rating ratings
    Tag: Largest Brackish Water Lagoon In Asia
    Listen Tag: Largest Brackish Water Lagoon In Asia pronunciation
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    Tranquil village by largest brackish lagoon in Southeast Asia
    Listen Tranquil village by largest brackish lagoon in Southeast Asia pronunciation
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    Trending news on brackish

    Sangrur: Labs say brackish water fit for farming, villagers disagree
    Listen Sangrur: Labs say brackish water fit for farming, villagers disagree pronunciation
    “The water is brackish. A chemical industry, which was closed around 15 years ago, polluted the groundwater. It’s surprising that reports of the district agriculture department and PAU ...
    image-unavailable The Tribune
    17 BRACKISH COURT Toogoom QLD 4655
    Listen 17 BRACKISH COURT Toogoom QLD 4655 pronunciation
    Spacious corner block - Bring the Caravan !! Set on a corner allotment with double gates to access the back yard is this comfortable 4 bedroom home. This property would suit buyers looking t..View article
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    Tag: brackish
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    Whether or not you lived through the golden age of MTV and JNCO jeans, the discovery of the nü-metal phenomenon was an awakening for... KennyHoopla and Eyedress make their cover debuts with..View article
    image-unavailable Alternative Press
    RO Membranes to purify brackish water in Kuwait
    Listen RO Membranes to purify brackish water in Kuwait pronunciation
    The first project will use a multi-stage reverse osmosis (RO)-based integrated membrane system to purify brackish groundwater for use in oil production and steam generation. Water Planet and..View article
    image-unavailable Utilities ME
    Odisha records 747 per cent growth in Brackish water aquaculture
    Listen Odisha records 747 per cent growth in Brackish water aquaculture pronunciation
    As another achievement in the rural economy, brackish water aquaculture in Odisha marked a stunning growth of 747 per cent in the last ten years with a concomitant increase in the value of s..View article
    image-unavailable Webindia 123
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