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Pronunciation of bowls with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : bəʊlz
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Phonetic spelling of bowls

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Meanings for bowls

A round container with no lid that is used to serve food.
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Synonyms for bowls

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Quiz on bowls


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Examples of in a sentence

Jeff Bridges channels The Dude, bowls first pitch at Dodgers game
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Bowls has awful habit of stumbling at final steps
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Hokkaido Ramen Santouka in Bellevue, a friendly, efficient noodle shop new to the Northwest but a popular chain in Asia, serves luscious bowls of well-balanced soup that you can embellish
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Bowls: Hinder loses his county crown but Cam Mills quartet triumph
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Will the slippage continue or stop in 2014? Randy Starks and Cameron Wake, who have both played in multiple Pro Bowls, each missed a tackle on the Dolphins' very first defensive play of the exhibition season
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bowls should be in sentence

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Translations of bowls

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