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Pronunciation of Borobudur with 7 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Borobudur

'Borobudur' is a massive Buddhist monument site, a short distance from Yogyakarta, on the Indonesian island of Java.
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A primitive temple in Indonesia was built during the 7th-century.
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Wiki content for Borobudur

Borobudur - Borobudur, or Barabudur (Indonesian: Candi Borobudur, Javanese: ꦕꦤ꧀ꦣꦶꦧꦫꦧꦸꦣꦸꦂ, romanized: Candhi Barabudhur) is a 9th-century Mahayana Buddhist temple in Magelang Regency, not far from the tow
Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival - Borobudur Writers and Cultural Festival (BWCF) is an annual meet for fiction and nonfiction writers, content creators, culture activist dan and inter religion with theme to stimulate the part
Borobudur ship - A Borobudur ship is the 8th-century wooden double outrigger sailing vessel of Maritime Southeast Asia depicted in some bas reliefs of the Borobudur Buddhist monument in Central Java, Indonesi
Borobudur Temple Compounds - Borobudur Temple Compounds is a term used by the World Heritage designation of the area of three Buddhist temples in Central Java, Indonesia.
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Examples of in a sentence

This Man Believes That Borobudur, the World's Biggest Buddhist Temple, Is Actually a UFO
Listen This Man Believes That Borobudur, the World's Biggest Buddhist Temple, Is Actually a UFO pronunciation
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King, Queen climb to top of Borobudur Temple
Listen King, Queen climb to top of Borobudur Temple pronunciation
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300 Foreign Runners Join Borobudur Marathon 2019: Organizer
Listen 300 Foreign Runners Join Borobudur Marathon 2019: Organizer pronunciation
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Borobudur Marathon 2019: Creating Synergy and Harmony through Running
Listen Borobudur Marathon 2019: Creating Synergy and Harmony through Running pronunciation
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Central Java to resume annual Borobudur Marathon mid next month
Listen Central Java to resume annual Borobudur Marathon mid next month pronunciation
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Translations of Borobudur

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Trending news on Borobudur

This Man Believes That Borobudur, the World's Biggest Buddhist Temple, Is Actually a UFO
Listen This Man Believes That Borobudur, the World's Biggest Buddhist Temple, Is Actually a UFO pronunciation
A chilly fog hung low over the horizon, and beyond that was Borobudur, a majestic Buddhist temple—the largest in the world—that has sat watch over the valley since the ninth century. The vie..View article
King, Queen climb to top of Borobudur Temple
Listen King, Queen climb to top of Borobudur Temple pronunciation
MAGELANG (Central Java), Aug 28 -- Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah today..View article
bernama.com bernama.com
Over 17,000 runners sign up for Borobudur Marathon in Indonesia
Listen Over 17,000 runners sign up for Borobudur Marathon in Indonesia pronunciation
JAKARTA - More than 17,000 runners from at home and abroad have registered to take part in the Borobudur Marathon which is slated to be held in Indonesia's Central Java province later this y..View article
China Daily China Daily
Tour d'Indonesia 2019: Stage 1 from Borobudur temple to Ngawi
Listen Tour d'Indonesia 2019: Stage 1 from Borobudur temple to Ngawi pronunciation
Cyclists compete during Stage 1 from Borobudur temple to Ngawi of Tour d' Indonesia 2019 in Indonesia, Aug. 19, 2019. (Xinhua/Veri Sanovri)
Xinhua Xinhua
Borobudur Introduces Special Routes for Foreign Tourists
Listen Borobudur Introduces Special Routes for Foreign Tourists pronunciation
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Borobudur Temple Tourism Park in Magelang, Central Java, will introduce a special route for foreign tourists visiting the world cultural heritage temple. The General..View article
image-unavailable Tempo
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