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Pronunciation of bootlace with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbuːtleɪs
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Phonetic spelling of bootlace

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Meanings for bootlace

It is a noun that can be defined as a strip of lacing boots.
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Wiki content for bootlace

Examples of in a sentence

Bootlace Guide to New York--Fun on a Shoestring
Listen Bootlace Guide to New York--Fun on a Shoestring pronunciation
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Bootlace Worm: Earth’s Longest Animal Produces Powerful Toxin
Listen Bootlace Worm: Earth’s Longest Animal Produces Powerful Toxin pronunciation
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Cockroach-killing toxin discovered in horrifying bootlace worms
Listen Cockroach-killing toxin discovered in horrifying bootlace worms pronunciation
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Peptide ion channel toxins from the bootlace worm, the longest animal on Earth
Listen Peptide ion channel toxins from the bootlace worm, the longest animal on Earth pronunciation
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Frank Ribery Unties Female Referee’s Bootlace
Listen Frank Ribery Unties Female Referee’s Bootlace pronunciation
9 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on bootlace

Bootlace 2.1 Easily Installs Android 2.2 On Your iPhone 2G / 3G
Listen Bootlace 2.1 Easily Installs Android 2.2 On Your iPhone 2G / 3G pronunciation
So, just as you can easily install Windows on a Mac through a Mac OS utility called Bootcamp, you can now install Android 2.2 on your iPhone through a utility called Bootlace. What makes it..View article
pocketnow.com pocketnow.com
Bootlace app sticks Android 2.2 Froyo on the iPhone
Listen Bootlace app sticks Android 2.2 Froyo on the iPhone pronunciation
If you have an iPhone 2G or 3G handy and you're not too fussed about a spot of jailbreaking, it's now possible to install Android 2.2 directly on it, without the use ...
Sheep farmer dragged to death in grain machine by bootlace
Listen Sheep farmer dragged to death in grain machine by bootlace pronunciation
Prominent Scottish sheep farmer Jim Sharp was accidentally killed after his bootlace got entangled in a grain auger and dragged him into the machine, a coroner has ruled. Mr Sharp, 66, suffe..View article
Farmers Weekly Farmers Weekly
From the combat zone to the coast: Bootlace entrepreneur pushes MakerSpace in Wilmington
Listen From the combat zone to the coast: Bootlace entrepreneur pushes MakerSpace in Wilmington pronunciation
Meet Andrew Williams, Wilmington’s maker space pioneer, a combat veteran and a guy who could change the way you lace up your boots this winter. His entrepreneurship story really starts with..View article
The Business Journals The Business Journals
Bootlace Installs Android on Your iPhone Without a Computer
Listen Bootlace Installs Android on Your iPhone Without a Computer pronunciation
Bootlace 2.1 has just been released to install Android on your iPhone without the need for a computer. The release was made possible by the hard work of CPICH and Patrick Wildt (Bluerise). U..View article
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