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Pronunciation of Boehm with 5 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : beɪm
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Phonetic spelling of Boehm

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Wiki content for Boehm

Boehm - Boehm (US: ) is a German surname, transliterated from Böhm (literally: Bohemian, from Bohemia) or reflective of a spelling adopted by a given family before the introduction of the umlaut diac
Boehm system (clarinet) - The Boehm system for the clarinet is a system of clarinet keywork, developed between 1839 and 1843 by Hyacinthe Klosé and Auguste Buffet jeune.
Boehmeria - Boehmeria is a genus of 47 species of flowering plants in the nettle family Urticaceae. Of the species, 33 are indigenous to the Old World and 14 to the New World; no species is indigenous to
Boehm garbage collector - The Boehm–Demers–Weiser garbage collector, often simply known as Boehm GC, is a conservative garbage collector for C and C++ developed by Hans Boehm, Alan Demers, and Mark Weiser.Boehm GC is
Boehmeria cylindrica - Boehmeria cylindrica, with common names false nettle and bog hemp, is a herb in the family Urticaceae.
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Examples of in a sentence

Missouri's Evan Boehm took a football to the groin (Video)
0 rating rating ratings
First responders gave Mariah Boehm a 10 percent chance of survival
0 rating rating ratings
Darcy Boehm
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Cyrus Foroughi is a doctoral student working with Deborah Boehm-Davis in the Applied Performance Research Lab at George Mason University
0 rating rating ratings
Five top players now free agents after MLS Re-Entry process | Charles Boehm
Listen Five top players now free agents after MLS Re-Entry process | Charles Boehm pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Boehm

Mixer co-founder James Boehm leaves Microsoft
Listen Mixer co-founder James Boehm leaves Microsoft pronunciation
Mixer is a livestreaming platform now owned by Microsoft. One of its co-founders, James Boehm, is leaving Microsoft. He's currently on the board of GamerGoo, a lotion company. It's unclear w..View article
Windows Central Windows Central
Mixer Co-Founder James Boehm Departs Microsoft With a Vision to Empower and Engage Communities and Creators
Listen Mixer Co-Founder James Boehm Departs Microsoft With a Vision to Empower and Engage Communities and Creators pronunciation
LONDON, Oct. 2, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- James Boehm, co-founder of Mixer, formerly Beam, announced today his departure from Microsoft and his vision to empower and engage communities and creato..View article
PR Newswire PR Newswire
Evan Boehm Comfortable With Playing Center
Listen Evan Boehm Comfortable With Playing Center pronunciation
Evan Boehm will be seeing an old friend Sunday at Buffalo, and he just might be back at an old position when the Dolphins face the Bills at New Era Field. The four-year veteran likely will s..View article
Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins
Mixer co-founder James Boehm departs Microsoft
Listen Mixer co-founder James Boehm departs Microsoft pronunciation
James Boehm, co-founder of the streaming platform Mixer, has announced his departure from Microsoft. Recently appointed to the board of directors for GamerGoo, a lotion company marketed to g..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo Finance
Evan Boehm Wants To Be A 'Dominant Physical Force'
Listen Evan Boehm Wants To Be A 'Dominant Physical Force' pronunciation
High school phenom. Son of a coach. Three-sport state champion. Guard Evan Boehm, who made his first start for the Dolphins last Sunday against the Los Angeles Chargers, seemed destined for..View article
Miami Dolphins Miami Dolphins
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