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Meanings for blimps

Blimps are a type of lighter-than-air (LTA) craft called an airship. Like a hot air balloon, blimps use a gas to generate lift. But unlike a hot air balloon, blimps can move forward through the air under their own power, like airplanes.
Learn more about the word "blimps" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

Examples of in a sentence

'Wingfoot One' Ushers in New Era of Goodyear Blimps
METRO HALIFAX - Spiderman and Captain America bent down next to a few children as they played in the white sand with trucks and toys, glittery lights in the shape of parachutes and blimps dangling from the ceiling
The agency hopes that the “20-20-20 Airship Challenge” would incentivize the development of innovative airships, such as blimps and zeppelins with the ability to maintain position high in Earth's stratosphere, providing a
Company channeling wind power with turbines, blimps
Choc Factory, Telstra test more internet-for-all blimps Google is to run another test flight for its Project Loon internet-bringing balloons, this time sending up 20 new helium gas bags in Australia in partnership with Telstra
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