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IPA : ˈbleɪdɪd
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Examples of in a sentence

Myres, the Sigynnae of Herodotus were a people widely spread in the Danubic basin in the 5th century B.C., probably identical with the Sequani, and connected with the iron-working culture of Hallstatt, which produced a narrow-bladed throwing spear, the sigynna spear (see notice of Anthropological
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They use a stabbing spear, small throwing spears, and a broad-bladed short sword.
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The crystals possess a perfect cleavage parallel to the plane of symmetry and are usually bladed, in habit; they are soft (H= 2), flexible and sectile.
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Buffalo and bunch, and other short native prairie grasses, very nutritious ranging food but unavailable as hay, once covered the plains and pastured immense herds of buffalo and other animals, but with increasing settlement they have given way generally to exotic bladed species, valuable alike for p
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