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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbɪtəlɪ ˈbɪtəlɪ
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Examples of in a sentence

‘Bitterly disappointed’ Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson speaks out after City thrashing
Listen ‘Bitterly disappointed’ Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson speaks out after City thrashing pronunciation
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Jennifer Bitterly
Listen Jennifer Bitterly pronunciation
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A bitterly divided Poland narrowly reelects right-wing President Andrzej Duda
Listen A bitterly divided Poland narrowly reelects right-wing President Andrzej Duda pronunciation
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Parkland parents throw support behind Gregory Tony in bitterly fought race for sheriff
Listen Parkland parents throw support behind Gregory Tony in bitterly fought race for sheriff pronunciation
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'Bitterly regrets his actions': Rwandan asylum-seeker admits to torching French cathedral
Listen 'Bitterly regrets his actions': Rwandan asylum-seeker admits to torching French cathedral pronunciation
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Trending news on bitterly

Election will see ‘bitterly unhappy’ town get new mayor
Listen Election will see ‘bitterly unhappy’ town get new mayor pronunciation
As debate over elections erupted at Monday’s meeting, councillor Bill Loades said: “We are skirting round the fundamental issue - a decision about whether we continue with the same mayor and..View article
image-unavailable EDP 24
Number 10 ‘bitterly disappointed’ as court rules Shamima Begum - who left to join ISIS - can return to UK
Listen Number 10 ‘bitterly disappointed’ as court rules Shamima Begum - who left to join ISIS - can return to UK pronunciation
Number 10 said it is 'bitterly disappointed' by the court ruling which allows Shamima Begum, who left to join ISIS as a teenager, to return to the
image-unavailable PoliticsHome
Poland's Duda appeals for national unity after narrow win in bitterly fought presidential election
Listen Poland's Duda appeals for national unity after narrow win in bitterly fought presidential election pronunciation
Andrzej Duda, the Polish president, appealed for national unity after he won a second term in office by a wafer-thin margin in a bitterly contested presidential election. With 99 per cent of..View article
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
Pharmacists ‘bitterly disappointed’ at paid leave decision
Listen Pharmacists ‘bitterly disappointed’ at paid leave decision pronunciation
A leading pharmacist says the Fair Work decision shows a “complete lack of respect” for members of the profession Last week, the AJP reported on the Fair Work Commission (FWC)
ajp.com.au ajp.com.au
Exclusive: Darren Bent bitterly disappointed after big Celtic player update
Listen Exclusive: Darren Bent bitterly disappointed after big Celtic player update pronunciation
In the latest Celtic news, Darren Bent admits he is disappointed to hear Leigh Griffiths returned to training out of shape.
footballinsider247.com footballinsider247.com
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