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big tree

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Phonetic spelling of big tree

big tree
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Meanings for big tree

extremely lofty evergreen of southern end of western foothills of Sierra Nevada in California; largest living organism
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Wiki content for big tree

Big Tree (Washington) - The Big Tree (also known as the Trout Lake Big Tree) was a massive Ponderosa pine tree in an old-growth pine and fir forest in southern Washington state, at the southern base of Mount Adams.
Big Tree (Kiowa leader) - Big Tree (Kiowa: Ado-Eete (ca. 1850–1929), was a noted Kiowa warrior and chief. He was a loyal follower of the fighting chiefs party (led by Satank, Satanta, and Guipago), and conducted frequ
Big Tree in Chirinda Forest - Big Tree (or The Big Tree in Chirinda Forest) is the tallest native or indigenous tree in Zimbabwe, and a declared National Monument.
Big Trees Village, California - Big Trees Village is an unincorporated community in Calaveras County, California. It lies at an elevation of 5164 feet (1574 m).
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Examples of in a sentence

New Stratford nonprofit has big plans for big trees
Listen New Stratford nonprofit has big plans for big trees pronunciation
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Big Trees inspire big loyalty in Los Altos
Listen Big Trees inspire big loyalty in Los Altos pronunciation
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SWCD sponsoring photo, big tree contests
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Big Tree Falls and Damages Savannah Home
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Big Tree Group, Inc. (BIGG) Remains Ahead of the Game with Imagination ...
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Translations of big tree

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Trending news on big tree

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Big Trees inspire big loyalty in Los Altos
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We’re making final measurements in a close race for broadest backyard tree by category, but the contest’s most thrilling outcome wasn’t girth (despite measurements of 25 feet and greater). P..View article
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New Stratford nonprofit has big plans for big trees
Listen New Stratford nonprofit has big plans for big trees pronunciation
A pair of influential local artists will help launch a new nonprofit in Stratford this week its founders say will be looking up – way up – to keep an eye on the city’s largest trees.The
Brockville Recorder Brockville Recorder

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