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Big Dipper

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Phonetic spelling of Big Dipper

Big Dip-per
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Meanings for Big Dipper

a group of seven bright stars in the constellation Ursa Major
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A song by Elton John was released in 1978.
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Synonyms for Big Dipper

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Quiz on Big Dipper


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Wiki content for Big Dipper

Big Dipper - The Big Dipper (US, Canada) or the Plough (UK, Ireland) is a large asterism consisting of seven bright stars of the constellation Ursa Major; six of them are of second magnitude and one, Megr
Big Dipper (band) - Big Dipper are an American indie rock band who formed in Boston in 1985 by former members of Volcano Suns and the Embarrassment.
Big Dipper (Blackpool Pleasure Beach) - Big Dipper is a wooden out and back roller coaster at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Blackpool, England. The ride was first built in 1923 by John Miller but was extended in 1936 by Charlie Paige a
Big Dipper (rapper) - Dan Stermer is an American rapper and podcaster known professionally as Big Dipper.
Big Dipper (Geauga Lake) - Big Dipper was a wooden roller coaster located at the defunct Geauga Lake amusement park in Bainbridge Township, Ohio.
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Examples of in a sentence

Billings to get Big Dipper
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Big Dipper Ice Cream coming to Billings
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Big Dipper expanding to Billings
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Big Dipper Plans New Parlor In Billings
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On the big dipper ( The girl who was death ) 18.
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