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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : bɪˈsɒtɪd
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Jada still besotted with Will Smith
    118 ratings rating ratings
    Mark Wright is so besotted with Michelle Keegan, even the company kitting out their brand
    109 ratings rating ratings
    Often viewed as a label besotted with edgy, avant-garde electronics, the London powerhouse has more than its fair share of soothing, R&B-tinged moments
    101 ratings rating ratings
    We're besotted with style icon Olivia Palermo's glamourous, sleek style
    93 ratings rating ratings
    Ko shot to fame playing a charming schoolboy besotted with his classmate in 2011's You Are The Apple Of My Eye
    84 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on besotted

    ITV This Morning's Holly Willoughby fans besotted with her casual winter look
    Listen ITV This Morning's Holly Willoughby fans besotted with her casual winter look pronunciation
    Holly Willoughby fans were impressed with the star's "amazing" outfit today. The bubbly television presenter shared her outfit to social media before her hosting duties kicked off on This Mo..View article
    Liverpool Echo on MSN.com Liverpool Echo on MSN.com
    High Rock battles back: A smelly, crumbling, besotted mini-slum pulls itself up by the bootstraps
    Listen High Rock battles back: A smelly, crumbling, besotted mini-slum pulls itself up by the bootstraps pronunciation
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    The Telegraph The Telegraph
    The Chase viewers all left besotted with 'beautiful' contestant Alex
    Listen The Chase viewers all left besotted with 'beautiful' contestant Alex pronunciation
    Alex appeared during Monday night's instalment, winning £4,00 in the opening round before making it to the Final Chase The Chase viewers have all been left besotted with a new contestant on..View article
    image-unavailable Birmingham Mail
    Family's heartbreak after 'besotted' man killed by lover in Bromsgrove
    Listen Family's heartbreak after 'besotted' man killed by lover in Bromsgrove pronunciation
    THE family of a 'besotted' man stabbed to death by his 'feisty' lover after a quarrel have spoken of their heartbreak over his loss. Cordelia Farrell was jailed for 10 years at Worcester Cro..View article
    image-unavailable Worcester News
    'They are both absolutely besotted': Bubby Franklin has arrived
    Listen 'They are both absolutely besotted': Bubby Franklin has arrived pronunciation
    "Jesinta and Lance are thrilled to announce the arrival of their beautiful baby daughter, Tallulah Franklin," a spokeswoman for the couple told News Corp. "They are both absolutely besotted..View article
    image-unavailable Australian Football League
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