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A popular horror-based short story that was written by Edgar Allan Poe.
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Wiki content for Berenice

Berenice - Berenice (Ancient Greek: Βερενίκη, Bereníkē) is the Ancient Macedonian form of the Attic Greek name Φερενίκη Pherenikē, which means "bearer of victory" from Ancient Greek φέρω (pherō), meani
Berenice Abbott - Berenice Abbott (July 17, 1898 – December 9, 1991), née Bernice Alice Abbott, was an American photographer best known for her portraits of between-the-wars 20th century cultural figures, New
Berenice (daughter of Herod Agrippa) - Berenice of Cilicia, also known as Julia Berenice and sometimes spelled Bernice (Greek: Βερενίκη, Bereníkē; 28 AD – after 81), was a Jewish client queen of the Roman Empire during the second
Berenice II of Egypt - Berenice II Euergetis (267 or 266 BC – 221 BC) was ruling queen of Cyrenaica from around 250 BC and queen and co-regent of Ptolemaic Egypt from 246 BC to 222 BC as the wife of Ptolemy III Eue
Berenice Sydney - Berenice Sydney (1944–1983), born Berenice Frieze, and professionally known as 'Berenice', was a British artist who produced a substantial body of work from 1964 until her death in 1983. Her
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It owed its early prosperity to its easy access to the sea, and to the fact that natural conditions in Cyrenaica and the Sahara behind it, tend to divert trade to the west of the district - a fact which is exemplified by the final survival of Berenice (mod.
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The Ptolemies continued to send fleets annually from their Red Sea ports of Berenice and Myos Hormus to Arabia, as well as to ports on the coasts of Africa and India.
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About 250 peace was concluded between Antiochus and Ptolemy II., Antiochus repudiating his wife Laodice and marrying Ptolemy's daughter Berenice, but by 246 Antiochus had left Berenice and her infant son in Antioch to live again with Laodice in Asia Minor.
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Laodice poisoned him and proclaimed her son Seleucus Callinicus (reigned 246-227) king, whilst her partisans at Antioch made away with Berenice and her son.
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44), king of Judea, the son of Aristobulus and Berenice, and grandson of Herod the Great, was born about io B.C. His original name was Marcus Julius Agrippa.
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Trending news on Berenice

2 Berenice Street Roselands NSW 2196
Listen 2 Berenice Street Roselands NSW 2196 pronunciation
Est. repayment Can I afford this property? First listed on 12 October, this house has been on Domain for less than a day (last updated on 12 October). It was last sold in 2016 and 35 other 3..View article
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1 Berenice Street Roselands NSW 2196
Listen 1 Berenice Street Roselands NSW 2196 pronunciation
1 Berenice Street, Roselands NSW 2196 was last sold in 2017 and 13 other 5 bedroom house in Roselands have recently been sold. There are currently 6 properties for sale in Roselands.
image-unavailable Domain
Berenice “Bee” Wilson
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Graveside services for Berenice “Bee” Wilson, 100, Eudora will be held at 10:00 a.m. August 20, 2015 at Eudora Cemetery in Eudora. Bee passed away Sunday, August 16, 2015 at her home.
image-unavailable Lawrence Journal-World
Berenice Bunny Clemens
Listen Berenice Bunny Clemens pronunciation
Berenice "Bunny" Clemens, 81, of Mabelvale, Ark. passed away October 20, 2020. A graveside service will be held for family at 12 p.m., Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at Arkansas State Veterans Ce..View article
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Berenice - 1963 - Broadway
Listen Berenice - 1963 - Broadway pronunciation
In celebration of its 16th Season in downtown NYC, the critically acclaimed, award-winning troupe of performers RADIOTHEATRE presents its 4th Annual EDGAR ALLAN POE FESTIVAL MAY 16-JUNE 1. A..View article
image-unavailable BroadwayWorld
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