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Pronunciation of beggar with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbegə ˈbegə*
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Phonetic spelling of beggar

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Meanings for beggar

This is a word, that refers to a person, who is financially downward, has no money, and asks for monetary help from strangers.
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Examples of in a sentence

For my cultivation, said the beggar, faith is the seed, self-combat is the fertilizing rain, the weeds I destroy are the cleaving to existence, wisdom is my plough, and its guidingshaft is modesty; perseverance draws my plough, and I guide it with the rein of my mind; the field I work is in the l
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The king's habit of mingling with the peasantry secured for him a large amount of popularity, and probably led many to ascribe to him the authorship of poems describing scenes in peasant life, Christis Kirk on the Grene, The Gaberlunzie Man and The Jolly Beggar.
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The term came in time to mean a beggar and with that meaning has passed through Aramaic and Hebrew into many modern languages; but though the Code does not regard him as necessarily poor, he may have been landless.
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beggar should be in sentence

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Translations of beggar

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