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Phonetic spelling of bedeviling

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Meanings for bedeviling

Bedeviling is an adjective term that means causing trouble or distress.
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Examples of in a sentence

Maryland is opening its newly designed health exchange website this weekend, but only for people to shop around for insurance plans as the state aims to bounce back from last year's bedeviling computer problems
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Mexican police on Tuesday, November 4, arrested a fugitive ex-mayor accused of ordering a deadly police attack that left 43 students missing, raising hopes of a break in a case bedeviling the nation
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Mexican police have detained a fugitive ex-mayor and his wife accused of ordering a deadly police attack that left 43 students missing, raising hopes of a break in a case bedeviling the nation
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WASHINGTON -- Immigration to American shores is in the newspapers and on television every day now, and many Americans doubtless believe they know what this bedeviling problem is really about
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Economic disputes bedeviling China-U.S. ties seen as focus of APEC mini-summit
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