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Pronunciation of bedecked with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : bɪˈdekt
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Phonetic spelling of bedecked

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Meanings for bedecked

It is a verb that can be defined as to decorate.
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Synonyms for bedecked

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Examples of in a sentence

WITH Glasgow looking out its gladrags for the Commonwealth Games, today we go back to 1909, when Buchanan Street was bedecked with bunting for a Royal visit
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The shop has a distressed velvet sofa, Moroccan rugs and a yurt bedecked with shredded textiles
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The Observer reports that the zoologically-bedecked pad was owned
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Sitting in a rocking chair on her wind chime-bedecked porch, Jane Zipf said after everything her street in Millvale has endured, including a fire that destroyed nine homes on Good Friday 2002 and flooding from Hurricane Ivan, watching neighbors gather to swap seeds and harvest vegetables is a nice c
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Today’s comic-book superheroes are the modern equivalent of Greek Gods, so why not a swords-and-loincloths bedecked origin story for the nattily clad Batmans, Spider-Mans and X-Men now conquering our screens? Only Hercules is also an origin story unto itself – based on the Radical Comi
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Translations of bedecked

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