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Bastille Day

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Phonetic spelling of Bastille Day

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Meanings for Bastille Day

It is a holiday in France celebrating the storming of the Paris bastille in 1789.
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Synonyms for Bastille Day

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Quiz on Bastille Day


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Wiki content for Bastille Day

Bastille Day - Bastille Day is the common name given in English-speaking countries to the national day of France, which is celebrated on 14 July each year.
Bastille Day military parade - The Bastille Day military parade, also known as the 14 July military parade, translation of the French name of Défilé militaire du 14 juillet, is a French military parade that has been held o
Bastille Day (2016 film) - Bastille Day (released as The Take in North America and on international home release) is a 2016 action thriller film directed and co-written by James Watkins.
Bastille Day (Battlestar Galactica) - "Bastille Day" is the third episode of the first season of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica television series.
Bastille Day event - The Bastille Day Flare or Bastille Day Event was a powerful solar flare on July 14, 2000, the national day of France, occurring near the peak of the solar maximum in solar cycle 23. The X5.7
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Examples of in a sentence

Pared-down Bastille Day parade in Paris to honour coronavirus workers
Listen Pared-down Bastille Day parade in Paris to honour coronavirus workers pronunciation
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French Health Care Workers Given A Raise, Honored On Bastille Day
Listen French Health Care Workers Given A Raise, Honored On Bastille Day pronunciation
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Macron Hosts Downsized Bastille Day, To Outline Crisis Response Plans
Listen Macron Hosts Downsized Bastille Day, To Outline Crisis Response Plans pronunciation
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Bastille Day: France honours health workers amid pandemic
Listen Bastille Day: France honours health workers amid pandemic pronunciation
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Bastille Day honors French independence
Listen Bastille Day honors French independence pronunciation
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Translations of Bastille Day

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Trending news on Bastille Day

France honours health workers on Bastille Day
Listen France honours health workers on Bastille Day pronunciation
There will be no parade and the audience will be socially distanced amid the ongoing pandemic.
BBC News on MSN.com BBC News on MSN.com
Macron To Host Downsized Bastille Day, Outline Crisis Response
Listen Macron To Host Downsized Bastille Day, Outline Crisis Response pronunciation
President Emmanuel Macron will host Tuesday a Bastille Day ceremony scaled-down because of the coronavirus pandemic and also address the French in a rare television interview as fears grow o..View article
International Business Times International Business Times
Macron relaunches presidency in Bastille Day pitch
Listen Macron relaunches presidency in Bastille Day pitch pronunciation
Emmanuel Macron faces the formidable task of rallying the French people behind a credible long-term economic plan in a climate of high uncertainty. Tuesday’s joint interview with the country..View article
The Financial Times The Financial Times
Start your week smart: Tulsa, Bastille Day, Trump, Twitter, Eric Garner anniversary
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Officials in the Oklahoma city are due to resume test excavation Monday at what's thought to be a mass grave of those slain in the 1921 race massacre. Hundreds of African American residents..View article
France Scales Down Bastille Day Parade in Concession to Virus
Listen France Scales Down Bastille Day Parade in Concession to Virus pronunciation
PARIS (Reuters) - France held a scaled-down annual Bastille Day celebration on Tuesday, with none of the usual tanks and troops parading down Paris's Champs Elysees avenue, in a concession t..View article
U.S. News & World Report U.S. News & World Report
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