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Pronunciation of bantered with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbæntəd
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Examples of in a sentence

BOSTON -- Tom Magliozzi, one half of the brother duo who hosted National Public Radio's "Car Talk" where they bantered with callers and commiserated over their car problems, died Monday of complications from Alzheimer's disease, the news organization said
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Does marriage matter? The question has been bantered around for decades
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PARLIAMENT As the White Paper on the Islamic State (IS) threat was being tabled in Parliament, MPs from the opposing floor bantered over Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang's son-in-law's gaffe on the terrorist coalition
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BOSTON – Tom Magliozzi, one half of the brother duo who hosted National Public Radio’s “Car Talk,” where they bantered with callers and commiserated over their car problems, died Monday
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BOSTON (AP) — Tom Magliozzi, one half of the brother duo who hosted National Public Radio's "Car Talk," where they bantered with callers and commiserated over their car problems, died Monday of complications from Alzheimer's disease, the news organization said
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