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Baltic Sea

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Pronunciation of Baltic Sea with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈbɔːltɪk siː
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Phonetic spelling of Baltic Sea

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Meanings for Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is located in Northern Europe and is a portion of the North Atlantic Ocean.
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Synonyms for Baltic Sea

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Quiz on Baltic Sea


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Examples of in a sentence

NATO Jets Intercept Two Russian Fighter Planes Over Baltic Sea
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The Baltic Sea exceeds 50 fathoms in few places except the broad central portion, though small caldron-like depressions here and there may sink below zoo fathoms. The Red Sea on the other hand, though shut off from the Indian Ocean by shallows of the Strait of Bab-elMandeb with little more than ioo
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The Baltic Sea and Hudson Bay with very low salinity, the Red Sea and Persian Gulf with very high salinity.
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A 200-year-old stoneware seltzer bottle that was recently recovered from a shipwreck at the bottom of the Baltic Sea contains alcohol, according to the results of a preliminary analysis
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By Roberta Cucchiaro GDYNIA Poland (Reuters) - The Baltic Sea conjures up images of cold and ice, but in summer Poland's sister cities of Gdynia, Sopot and Gdansk offer travelers beautiful beaches, bracing sea air, abundant forests and plenty of history
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Translations of Baltic Sea

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