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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : beɪlz
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Phonetic spelling of Bales

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Synonyms for Bales

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Wiki content for Bales

Bales - Bales may refer to a person:
Balasore - Balasore or Baleshwar is a city in the state of Odisha, about 194 kilometres (121 mi) north of the state capital Bhubaneswar, in eastern India.
Balestier Khalsa FC - Balestier Khalsa Football Club is a professional football club which plays in Singapore Premier League.
Balestier - Balestier (Chinese: 马里士他) is a subzone located in the planning area of Novena in the Central Region of Singapore.
Balestrand - Balestrand is a municipality in Sogn og Fjordane county, Norway. It is located on the northern shore of the Sognefjorden in the traditional district of Sogn.
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Examples of in a sentence

The court itself is generally paved, and large enough to admit of three or four hundred crouching camels or tethered mules; the bales of merchandise are piled away under the lower arcade, or stored up in the cellars behind it.
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Gardening: Growing tomatoes on bales of damp straw
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MORRIS – Spontaneous combustion caused a several hundred hay bales to catch fire Tuesday morning, destroying 200 bales by the time flames were extinguished
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