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Bahia Blanca

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Meanings for Bahia Blanca

A City in Argentina, which is famous for its attractive tourist destination.
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Wiki content for Bahia Blanca

Bahía Blanca - Bahía Blanca (Spanish pronunciation: [baˈi.a ˈβlaŋka]; English: White Bay) is a city in the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, by the Atlantic Ocean, and is the seat of gov
Bahía Blanca Sud railway station - Bahía Blanca Sud (English: Bahía Blanca South) is a railway station of the Argentine rail network, part of the General Roca Railway.
Bahía Blanca and North Western Railway - The Bahía Blanca and North Western Railway (in Spanish: Ferrocarril Bahía Blanca al Noroeste) was a British-owned railway company that operated in Argentina.
Bahía Blanca Partido - The Partido de Bahía Blanca is a partido of the Buenos Aires Province is located at the south-west of the province in central Argentina at coordinates 38°42′S 62°16′W
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Examples of in a sentence

The naval arsenal is situated on the north basin of the Buenos Aires port, and the military port at Bahia Blanca is provided with a dry dock of the largest size, and extensive repair shops.
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South of Bahia Blanca is the sheltered bay of San Blas, which may become of commercial importance, and between the 42nd and 43rd parallels are the land-locked bays of San Jose and Nueva (Golfo Nuevo) - the first as yet unused; on the latter is Puerto Madryn, 838 m.
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To meet the needs of technical and industrial education there are a school of mines at San Juan, a school of viticulture at Mendoza, an agronomic and veterinary school at La Plata, several agricultural and pastoral schools, and commercial schools in Buenos Aires, Rosario, Bahia Blanca and Concordia.
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Perhaps the best natural harbour of the republic is that of Bahia Blanca, a large bay of good depth, sheltered by islands, and 534 m.
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Translations of Bahia Blanca

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