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    Video Pronunciation of Baasha in English

    Phonetic spelling of Baasha

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    Meanings for Baasha

    Baasha king of Israel
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    It is an Indian Tamil-language film that was directed by Suresh Krissna and won many awards for its recognition.
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    Quiz on Baasha


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    Examples of in a sentence

    According to the annals, incessant war prevailed between Baasha and Abijah's successor, Asa.
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    OMRI, in the Bible, the first great king of Israel after the separation of the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah, who flourished in the early part of the 9th century B.C. The dynasty of Jeroboam had been exterminated by Baasha (see AsA) at a revolt when the army was besieging the Philistines at Gibbe
    Listen OMRI, in the Bible, the first great king of Israel after the separation of the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah, who flourished in the early part of the 9th century B.C. The dynasty of Jeroboam had been exterminated by Baasha (see AsA) at a revolt when the army was besieging the Philistines at Gibbe pronunciation
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    Galilee was invaded and Baasha was forced to return; the building material which he had collected at Ramah being used by Asa to fortify Geba, and Mizpah to the immediate north of Jerusalem.
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    Asa utilized the treasure of the Temple and palace to induce the Syrians to break off their relations with Baasha.
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    Asa and Baasha 11 Kings xv.
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    Baasha should be in sentence

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