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    Meanings for Azariah

    Azariah is a masculine biblical name meaning "God has helped". It is most popular among the names in 2017.
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    Quiz on Azariah


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    Wiki content for Azariah

    Azariah - Azariah (Hebrew: עֲזַרְיָה‎ ‘Ǎzaryāh, "Yah has helped") is the name of several people in the Hebrew Bible and Jewish history, including:
    Azariah dei Rossi - Azariah ben Moses dei Rossi (Hebrew: עזריה מן האדומים) was an Italian-Jewish physician and scholar. He was born at Mantua in c.
    Azariah C. Flagg - Azariah Cutting Flagg (November 28, 1790 – November 24, 1873) was an American newspaper printer and editor, and politician.
    Azaria Piccio - Azaria Piccio (Hebrew: עזריה בן אפרים פיגו, Azarya ben Efrayim Figo; 1579–5 or 6 February 1647) was a Venetian sofer (scribe) and ba’al darshan (preacher) who served in the Jewish communities
    Azariah Soromon - Azariah Soromon (born 1 March 1999) is a Vanuatuan footballer who plays as a forward for New Zealand club Southern United and the Vanuatu national team.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Louisville lands commitment from in-state back Azariah Israel
    Listen Louisville lands commitment from in-state back Azariah Israel pronunciation
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    Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah
    Listen Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah pronunciation
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    WATCH Clark County's Azariah Israel named Athlete of the Week
    Listen WATCH Clark County's Azariah Israel named Athlete of the Week pronunciation
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    Introducing Azariah-Skai
    Listen Introducing Azariah-Skai pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Empson, Azariah Holmes
    Listen Empson, Azariah Holmes pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Azariah

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    Trending news on Azariah

    Who is Azariah Thomas? Louisiana man shoots toddler dead, injures and abducts relatives in violent rampage
    Listen Who is Azariah Thomas? Louisiana man shoots toddler dead, injures and abducts relatives in violent rampage pronunciation
    At the time Baton Rouge Police were investigating the shooting incident, the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office was probing the reported kidnapping of a nine-year-old on Bluebonnet Bou..View article
    Meaww Meaww
    Louisville lands commitment from in-state back Azariah Israel
    Listen Louisville lands commitment from in-state back Azariah Israel pronunciation
    Clark County High School all-purpose back Azariah Israel is one of the most electric backs in the state of Kentucky. And he's headed to the University of Louisville. The 5-foot-11, 175-pound..View article
    247 Sports 247 Sports
    Funeral services begin Friday for Azariah Thomas
    Listen Funeral services begin Friday for Azariah Thomas pronunciation
    BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - The Capital Area Law Enforcement Foundation (CALEF) has started a fundraiser to cover the funeral expenses for a 2-year-old who was killed in a shooting Thursday, O..View article
    image-unavailable WAFB
    Clark County's Azariah Israel named Athlete of the Week
    Listen Clark County's Azariah Israel named Athlete of the Week pronunciation
    WINCHESTER, Ky. (WKYT) - "I didn't expect the game to go the way it did, but I'm glad it went that way," said Clark County running back Azariah Israel. Israel put up video game-like numbers..View article
    Detective Mark Azariah removed from duty after two rape trials collapse in a week
    A Metropolitan Police officer involved in two collapsed rape cases was removed from active duty last night. Detective Constable Mark Azariah was stood down as a “precaution” while the force..View article
    The Times The Times
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