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Phonetic spelling of Azalia

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Meanings for Azalia

A feminine name of Greek origin means reserved by God.
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Wiki content for Azalia

Azalia - Azalia may refer to:
Azalia Snail - Azalia Snail is an American avant-garde singer-songwriter and musician. She is a multi-instrumentalist active in neo-psychedelia, psychedelic folk and indie rock, played a prominent role in t
Azalia Suhaimi - Azalia Suhaimi (born 18 May 1985) is a Malaysian poet, photographer and creative writer. Famous for her ways in combining photography and poetry, she expresses her dreamy outlook in life on h
Azalia, Michigan - Azalia, is an unincorporated community in Milan Township, Monroe County in the U.S. state of Michigan.
Azalia, Indiana - Azalia is an unincorporated community in Sand Creek Township, Bartholomew County, Indiana.
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Examples of in a sentence

Azalia F. Hull
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Azalia Blossoms
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Mountain Brook leads Azalia tournament (Spring Prep Roundup)
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Tauranga family's body blow: 3-year-old Azalia's diagnosis of terminal genetic illness
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Azalia Mirhoseini
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Translations of Azalia

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Trending news on Azalia

Arlington Pet of the Week: Azalia, Pluto and Finn
This week’s Arlington Pet(s) of the Week are a trifecta of rescue cats in Azalia, Pluto and Finn, all with different personalities. Here’s what owner Amy had to say about her team of felines..View article
ARLnow.com ARLnow.com
Azalia F. Hull
Azalia F. Hull, 78, of Lancaster, passed away Friday, December 15. Born in Greenfield, PA, she was the wife of the late Robert Hull. Azalia was a dedicated wife, mother, and grandmother. She..View article
LancasterOnline LancasterOnline
Azalia Snail, "Queen of Lo Fi," Plays Churchill's With Gun Outfit, Rat Bastard, This Thursday
Representing the old-school (by now) is L.A. underground legend Azalia Snail, a solo wonderwoman who got her start in '80s New York, writing off-kilter, four-track hymns that managed to soun..View article
Miami New Times Miami New Times
Azalia Blossoms
The convergence circle is nearly complete, and Intel, with its Grantsdale and Alderwood motherboards, has launched an HD Audio initiative, code-named Azalia, to capitalize on this trend. The..View article
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Mountain Brook leads Azalia tournament (Spring Prep Roundup)
Mountain Brook leads the way with a score of 263 after the first day of the two-day, 14-team Azalea City High School Invitational. Fairhope is second with 267. Athens, St. Paul’s and UMS-Wri..View article
al.com al.com
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