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Wiki content for Ayres

Ayres - Ayres may refer to:
Ayres Thrush - The Ayres Thrush, formerly the Snow S-2, Aero Commander Ag Commander, and Rockwell Thrush Commander, is an American agricultural aircraft produced by Ayres Corporation and more recently by Th
Ayres's hawk-eagle - Ayres's hawk-eagle (Hieraaetus ayresii), also referred to as Ayres' eagle, is a medium-sized bird of prey in the family Accipitridae.
Ayresome Park - Ayresome Park was a football stadium in the town of Middlesbrough, North East England, and was the home of Middlesbrough F.C.
Ayres Hall - Ayres Hall is a central iconic and historic landmark building at the University of Tennessee (UT) in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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Examples of in a sentence

The Bubble Economy: Is Sustainable Growth Possible?, by Robert U. Ayres
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NSW Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres ‘grounded’ for skipping parliament
Listen NSW Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres ‘grounded’ for skipping parliament pronunciation
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Wapato City Council, Position 5: Frances Ayres and Tony Guzmán
Listen Wapato City Council, Position 5: Frances Ayres and Tony Guzmán pronunciation
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Gary Ayres locked in for 13th season after ‘huge’ coaching performance in 2019
Listen Gary Ayres locked in for 13th season after ‘huge’ coaching performance in 2019 pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Dragon Ball Star Christopher Ayres Speaks to Fans for First Time Following Surgery
Listen Dragon Ball Star Christopher Ayres Speaks to Fans for First Time Following Surgery pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Ayres

NSW Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres ‘grounded’ for skipping parliament
Listen NSW Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres ‘grounded’ for skipping parliament pronunciation
NSW Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres has been spoken to by Premier Gladys Berejiklian after he attended a GWS press conference on Wednesday, despite not being granted a “pair” by the government..View article
The Australian The Australian
Wapato City Council, Position 5: Frances Ayres and Tony Guzmán
Listen Wapato City Council, Position 5: Frances Ayres and Tony Guzmán pronunciation
Former Mayor Tony Guzmán received 126 votes, or 33% of total votes, in the primary. Frances Ayres receive 84 votes, or 22%. Ayres was part of a group of citizens who sued the city over publi..View article
Yakima Herald-Republic Yakima Herald-Republic
Gary Ayres locked in for 13th season after ‘huge’ coaching performance in 2019
Listen Gary Ayres locked in for 13th season after ‘huge’ coaching performance in 2019 pronunciation
When Gary Ayres joined Port Melbourne late in 2007, he didn’t imagine he would become the historic club’s longest serving coach. The prospect of another opportunity at AFL level was in the b..View article
image-unavailable heraldsun.com.au
Dragon Ball Star Christopher Ayres Speaks to Fans for First Time Following Surgery
Listen Dragon Ball Star Christopher Ayres Speaks to Fans for First Time Following Surgery pronunciation
After all, Christopher Ayres was able to get a much-needed lung transplant not too long ago, and the Dragon Ball actor is ready to speak to fans after the difficult ordeal. Of course, the or..View article
Comicbook.com Comicbook.com
Rising R&B star Mac Ayres left music school to pursue music
Listen Rising R&B star Mac Ayres left music school to pursue music pronunciation
The story of when Mac Ayres knew he had to drop out of the Berklee College of Music is a funny one. It was the fifth week of school. He was in a class where students learn how to write for d..View article
Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle
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