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Phonetic spelling of Aynur

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She is a contemporary Kurdish singer known for her song 'Qumrike.'
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Trending news on Aynur

Turkish Singer Aynur Releases Rewend video
Aynur Aynur has a new video titled ‘Rewend,’ which is a song included in her new album ‘Rewend,’ released in 2010. Fatih Akin shot the video of title song ‘Rewend’ in Hasankeyf. Aynur was bo..View article
worldmusiccentral.org worldmusiccentral.org
Aynur, Erkan Ogur, Kirike and Rembetiko
Moshe Morad visits Istanbul in search of traditional music. With sessions from Kurdish singer Aynur and multi-instrumentalist Erkan Ogur, plus a visit to the city of Izmir. Show more Istanbu..View article
Artist Profiles: Aynur
Aynur Doğan, better known as Aynur, was born in 1975 in Çemisgezek, in the province of Tunceli. She attended ASM Music School in Istanbul, where she studied singing with Begüm Erdem and Aski..View article
worldmusiccentral.org worldmusiccentral.org
Welcome Dr. Aynur Kadir
Congratulations to Dr. Aynur Kadir, who has been working in her new position as a MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral Scholar and Visiting Media Curator at the Bill Reid Gallery of North West Coast..View article
Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser University
Aynur Dogan gets Americans to sing her tune
"In the US, unlike Europe, many in the audience heard Kurdish music for the first time," says Aynur Dogan, a Kurdish-Alevi musician from Turkey, after her tour. Kurdish singer Aynur Dogan pe..View article
image-unavailable Al-Monitor
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