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Wiki content for Ayanna

Ayanna Pressley - Ayanna Soyini Pressley (born February 3, 1974) is an American politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Massachusetts's 7th congressional district since 2019. Her district includes th
Ayanna Howard - Ayanna MacCalla Howard (born January 24, 1972) is an American roboticist and the School Chair for Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Ayanna Witter-Johnson - Ayanna Witter-Johnson is a British composer, singer, songwriter and cellist. Her notable performances include opening for the MOBO Awards "Pre-Show" in 2016, and playing the Royal Albert Hall
Ayanna Jolivet McCloud - Ayana Jolivet McCloud (born 1978) is a visual and performance artist, writer, and educator from Houston, Texas.
Ayanna Alexander - Ayanna Alexander is a track and field athlete from Trinidad and Tobago who is the first and only women in the country's history to compete at an Olympic games in the women's triple jump.
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Examples of in a sentence

Ayanna loves playing with her hair
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