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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : æksəˈlɒtl
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Meanings for Axolotl

A Mexican salamander that in natural conditions retains its aquatic larval form throughout life but is able to breed.
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larval salamander of mountain lakes of Mexico that usually lives without metamorphosing
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salamander dwelling in mountainous lakes
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Examples of in a sentence

The axolotl has been known to the Mexicans from the remotest times, as an article of food regularly brought from neighbouring lakes to the Mexico market, its flesh being agreeable and wholesome.
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Francisco Hernandez (1514-1578) has alluded to it as Gyrinus edulis or atolocatl, and as lusus aquarum, piscis ludicrus, or axolotl, which latter name has remained in use, in Mexico and elsewhere, to the present day.
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This is the Amblystoma into which the axolotl has been ascertained to transform.
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At the same time, in the Jardin des Plantes, the single female axolotl also spawned, twice in succession, and a large number of young were successfully reared.
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It was not until 1876 that the axolotl in its Amblystoma state, offspring of several generations of perennibranchiates, was first observed to spawn, and this again took place in the reptile house of the Jardin des Plantes, as reported by Professor E.
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