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Meanings for Avie

It is a Music recording company founded in the year 2002 in Portsmouth.
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Wiki content for Avie

Avie - Avie is a female or male given name. As a nickname, it can be short for Avis, Avery, Avanel, and Ava. People named Avie include:
Aviary - An aviary is a large enclosure for confining birds. Unlike birdcages, aviaries allow birds a larger living space where they can fly; hence, aviaries are also sometimes known as flight cages.
Avie Tevanian - Avadis "Avie" Tevanian is an American computer scientist. At Carnegie Mellon University, he was a principal designer and engineer of the Mach operating system.
Aviemore - Aviemore ( (listen); Scottish Gaelic: An Aghaidh Mhòr pronounced [ən̪ˠ ˈɤː.ɪ ˈvoːɾ] "The big [mountain] face") is a town and tourist resort, situated within the Cairngorms National Park in th
Avient Aviation - Avient Aviation was an international cargo airline with its head office in Harare, Zimbabwe and its commercial center in the United Kingdom.
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Examples of in a sentence

Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter draws far outside No. 14 post
Listen Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter draws far outside No. 14 post pronunciation
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Tone Broke and Avie’s Flatter meet again in Breeders’ Stakes at Woodbine
Listen Tone Broke and Avie’s Flatter meet again in Breeders’ Stakes at Woodbine pronunciation
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Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter not worried about starting from the outside post
Listen Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter not worried about starting from the outside post pronunciation
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Early Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter draws outside post position
Listen Early Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter draws outside post position pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
One Bad Boy holds off Avie's Flatter to win 160th Queen's Plate
Listen One Bad Boy holds off Avie's Flatter to win 160th Queen's Plate pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Avie

Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter draws far outside No. 14 post
Listen Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter draws far outside No. 14 post pronunciation
Jockey Javier Castellano will have to take Avie’s Flatter the long way home to secure trainer Josie Carroll a third Queen’s Plate title. The early 5/2 favourite was left with the No. 14 spot..View article
Toronto Star Toronto Star
Tone Broke and Avie’s Flatter meet again in Breeders’ Stakes at Woodbine
Listen Tone Broke and Avie’s Flatter meet again in Breeders’ Stakes at Woodbine pronunciation
The Canadian Triple Crown won’t be on the line on Saturday. A Sovereign Award could be. Should Tone Broke or Avie’s Flatter win the $400,000 Breeders’ Stakes at Woodbine, it is going to take..View article
London Free Press London Free Press
Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter not worried about starting from the outside post
Listen Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter not worried about starting from the outside post pronunciation
There’s no question Josie Carroll and her team puts in hard work, as does everyone in the backstretch. But for Avie’s Flatter to win the Queen’s Plate, he’ll need some of the luck the barn d..View article
Toronto Sun Toronto Sun
Early Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter draws outside post position
Listen Early Queen’s Plate favourite Avie’s Flatter draws outside post position pronunciation
TORONTO — Jockey Javier Castellano will have to take Avie's Flatter the long way home to secure trainer Josie Carroll a third Queen's Plate title. The early 5/2 favourite was left with the N..View article
The Hamilton Spectator The Hamilton Spectator
One Bad Boy holds off Avie's Flatter to win 160th Queen's Plate
Listen One Bad Boy holds off Avie's Flatter to win 160th Queen's Plate pronunciation
Bill Hartack also accomplished the feat in 1964 with the legendary Northern Dancer. Avie's Flatter broke from the outside post in the 14-horse field but jockey Javier Castellano quickly sett..View article
CBC.ca CBC.ca
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