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Pronunciation of autumnal with 2 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ɔːˈtʌmnəl
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Examples of in a sentence

All that is certainly known about the antiquity of the sieu is that they were well established in the 3rd century B.C. Their initial point at the autumnal equinox marked by Kio (Spica Virginis) suits a still later date; and there is no valid evidence that the modern series resulted from the rectific
Listen All that is certainly known about the antiquity of the sieu is that they were well established in the 3rd century B.C. Their initial point at the autumnal equinox marked by Kio (Spica Virginis) suits a still later date; and there is no valid evidence that the modern series resulted from the rectific pronunciation
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The broad deeply-sinuated leaves with blunt rounded lobes are of a peculiar yellowish colour when the buds unfold in May, but assume a more decided green towards midsummer, and eventually become rather dark in tint; they do not change to their brown autumnal hue until late in October, and on brushwo
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The foliage in some of the numerous varieties is almost evergreen, and in Britain is retained long after the autumnal withering.
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Ague, and the malignant or aestivo-autumnal group, which includes a tertian or a semi-tertian and the true quotidian type.
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An autumnal breeze, an early harbinger of winter, skittered high and forlorn among the loblolly pines.
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