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Meanings for attar

essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers
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Wiki content for attar

Attar - Attar or Attoor (Arabic: عطار‎, ʿAṭṭār) may refer to:
Attarintiki Daredi - Attarintiki Daredi (transl. 'Which path leads to my aunt's house?') is a 2013 Indian Telugu-language comedy drama film written and directed by Trivikram Srinivas.
Attar of Nishapur - Abū Ḥamīd bin Abū Bakr Ibrāhīm (c. 1145 – c. 1221; Persian: ابو حامد بن ابوبکر ابراهیم‎), better known by his pen-names Farīd ud-Dīn (فرید الدین) and ʿAṭṭār (عطار, Attar means apothecary), wa
Attard - Attard (Maltese: Ħ'Attard) is a town in the Central Region of Malta. Together with Balzan and Lija it forms part of "the Three Villages" and has been inhabited since the Classical Period.
Attari - Attari, also spelled Atari, Hindi:अटारी is a village of Amritsar District in the Punjab state of India, 3 km from the Indo-Pakistani border at Wagah.
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Examples of in a sentence

There is at Cairo and in other towns a considerable industry in ornamental wood and metal work, inlaying with ivory and pearl, brass trays, copper vessels, gold and silver ornaments, &c. At Cairo and in the Fayum, attar of roses and other perfumes are manufactured.
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Roses are grown in some places for the manufacture of atr, or attar of roses; mignonette, jasmine, thyme, lavender and other aromatic plants are favourites in Yemen, when the Arabs often stick a bunch in their head-dress.
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Attar of roses is produced in large quantities both in European and Asiatic Turkey, and to aid in furthering the industry numerous rose plants are distributed gratuitously.
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It contains breweries, tanneries, sugar, tobacco, cloth, and silk factories, and exports skins, cloth, cocoons, cereals, attar of roses, dried fruit, &c. Sofia forms the centre of a railway system radiating to Constantinople (300 m.), Belgrade (206 m.) and central Europe, Varna, Rustchuk and the Da
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Translations of attar

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