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    Meanings for asus

    The origin of ASUS is from 'Pegasus' so it's 'PegASUS'.
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    A Taiwanese hardware company which was founded by T.H. Tung, Wayne Hsieh, M.T. Liao, Ted Hsu, Luca D.M.
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    Wiki content for asus

    Examples of in a sentence

    Taiwanese consumer laptop market faces change following ASUStek winning sustainability award
    Listen Taiwanese consumer laptop market faces change following ASUStek winning sustainability award pronunciation
    195 ratings rating ratings
    ASUS Maximus VII Formula Z97 Motherboard
    181 ratings rating ratings
    Review: ASUS Transformer Pad
    167 ratings rating ratings
    Asus Transformer Pad TF103C review: This hybrid is better for fun than work
    152 ratings rating ratings
    ASUS Transformer Book Flip now on Villman for Php50k
    124 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on asus

    The RTX 2070 Asus Strix G15 gaming laptop is just £1,300
    Listen The RTX 2070 Asus Strix G15 gaming laptop is just £1,300 pronunciation
    Even a Cyber Monday gaming laptop needs a fast graphics chip. Happily, this Asus ROG Strix G15 packs Nvidia's GeForce RTX 2070, the second quickest mobile GPU on earth. And it's yours with a..View article
    PC Gamer PC Gamer
    AT Deals: Asus Prime Z490-A Only $149 at Newegg
    Listen AT Deals: Asus Prime Z490-A Only $149 at Newegg pronunciation
    Cyber Monday might be behind us, but you can still find deals on hardware like this Asus Prime Z490-A motherboard. It's usually priced around $229 but is just $149 at Newegg today and may be..View article
    AnandTech AnandTech
    Asus Crosshair VIII Dark Hero Review
    Listen Asus Crosshair VIII Dark Hero Review pronunciation
    With that in mind, Asus is using this window to release a refreshed X570 motherboard: the ROG Crosshair VIII Dark Hero. It incorporates all of the 4+ years of BIOS updates, PCB, and electric..View article
    PC Gamer PC Gamer
    2020 camera test kicks Pixel in second round, crowns Asus Zenfone 7 Pro [Video]
    Listen 2020 camera test kicks Pixel in second round, crowns Asus Zenfone 7 Pro [Video] pronunciation
    A new smartphone camera test using 2020 releases has crowned an unexpected winner while dropping all Google Pixel devices pretty early.
    9to5Google 9to5Google
    Asus TUF GeForce RTX 3060 Ti review: Stone cold, dead silent
    Listen Asus TUF GeForce RTX 3060 Ti review: Stone cold, dead silent pronunciation
    Nvidia’s $400 GeForce RTX 3060 Ti is a winner—we called it a “flawlessly constructed” 1440p GPU in our comprehensive review. But the cooling system around it matters. We also noted that whil..View article
    PC World PC World
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