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Phonetic spelling of Assyrians

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Meanings for Assyrians

They are an Ethnic group from the Middle East and speakers of the Neo-Aramaic branch.
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Synonyms for Assyrians

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Quiz on Assyrians


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Examples of in a sentence

Bay Area Assyrians Call For More International Military, Humanitarian ...
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Assyrians Commemorate Martyrs Day As History Repeats Itself
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At the time when invasions by the Assyrians drove out the Ethiopian Taracus again and again, the chief of the twenty princes to whom Esarhaddon and Assur-bani-pal successively entrusted the government was Niku, king of Sais and Memphis.
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Too little is known of the north as a factor in Palestinian development to allow hasty inferences, but it is certainly noteworthy, at all events, that the names Amor and Hatti appear to move downwards, and that Hittite is applied to Palestine and Philistia by the Assyrians, and to Hebron in the
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The drill brace appears to have been used by Assyrians in the 7th century B.C. Piercers of bronze tapering (58), to enlarge holes in leather, &c., were common in all ages.
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Translations of Assyrians

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