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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : əˈsjuːm
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    Examples of in a sentence

    We Assume that People Who Speak Abstractly Are Powerful
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    Priyanka set to formally assume big role in Congress
    0 rating rating ratings
    The gods assume human or animal form in these fables
    0 rating rating ratings
    'Don't assume it's Covid, it could be Meningitis' charity warns students
    Listen 'Don't assume it's Covid, it could be Meningitis' charity warns students pronunciation
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    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on assume

    How To Deal With The Five Dangerous Modes Leaders Assume In Business Management: Inertia Mode
    Listen How To Deal With The Five Dangerous Modes Leaders Assume In Business Management: Inertia Mode pronunciation
    In a follow-up to “The Five Dangerous Modes Leaders Assume in Business Management,” today I kick off part two of my five-part series that explores each of these dangerous leadership modes in..View article
    image-unavailable Forbes
    Back on field, Texans' Pharaoh Brown expected to assume bigger role
    Listen Back on field, Texans' Pharaoh Brown expected to assume bigger role pronunciation
    Tight end Pharaoh Brown is starting to get acclimated after he returned to practice Tuesday from the reserve/COVID-19 list. He’s expected to be a crucial part of the position’s depth, especi..View article
    Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle
    Welcome to Plathville’s Olivia Plath Claps Back at Fans Who Assume Her and Ethan Are Having Marriage Troubles
    Listen Welcome to Plathville’s Olivia Plath Claps Back at Fans Who Assume Her and Ethan Are Having Marriage Troubles pronunciation
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    image-unavailable Us Weekly
    Treasury Department's borrowing plans assume debt-limit deal
    Listen Treasury Department's borrowing plans assume debt-limit deal pronunciation
    The Treasury Department has unveiled plans to borrow $673 billion in the current quarter while employing emergency measures to keep the government from an unprecedented default on the nation..View article
    image-unavailable ABCNews
    Kiki Vandeweghe to assume new role as special NBA adviser
    Listen Kiki Vandeweghe to assume new role as special NBA adviser pronunciation
    Kiki VanDeWeghe is taking on a new role with the NBA's operations department. The league announced Monday that Vandeweghe, who has served as executive vice president of basketball operations..View article
    Associated Press Associated Press
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