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IPA : æzˈmɑːrə
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Meanings for Asmara

The Capital of Eritrea is widely known for its colonial buildings.
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Wiki content for Asmara

Asmara - Asmara ( əs-MAHR-ə; Tigrinya: ኣስመራ; Arabic: أسمرة‎) or Asmera is the capital and most populous city of Eritrea, in the country's Central Region.
Asmara Moerni - Asmara Moerni ([asˈmara mʊrˈni]; Perfected Spelling: Asmara Murni; Indonesian for True Love) is a 1941 romance film from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) directed by Rd Ariffien and prod
Asmara International Airport - Asmara International Airport is the international airport of Asmara, the capital of Eritrea. It is the country's largest airport and, as of Spring 2017, the only one receiving regularly sched
Asmara Songsang - Asmara Songsang (Abnormal Desire or Deviant Love) is a 2013 play written by Adam Rahman. The play, which is anti-LGBT, received support from the Malaysian government and had Malaysian actors
Asmara Brewery - Asmara Brewery (formerly, Melotti Brewery) was the first brewery in Eritrea, founded in 1938. The brewery was nationalized by the Derg during the Eritrean War of Independence.
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Examples of in a sentence

Shortly afterwards the Italians occupied Massawa, and in 1889 Asmara (see Abyssinia: History).
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In 1879 his territory was given by King John to Ras Alula, who retained it until, in August 1889, the Italians occupied Asmara (see Abyssinia: History).
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The chief town in the interior is Asmara, the capital of the colony and under the Abyssinians capital of the province of Hamasen, and favourite headquarters of Ras Alula (see below and also Abyssinia).
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Instead of marching on to Kassala, Ras Alula, who at this time was much offended by the transfer of Massawa by the Egyptians to Italy, made a triumphant entry into Asmara, and absolutely refused to make any further efforts to extricate Egyptian garrisons from the grip of the khalifa.
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In 1872 Munzinger, now in Egyptian service, annexed Asmara to the khedivial dominions, but in 1884, owing to the rise of the mandi,Egypt evacuated her Abyssinian provinces and Asmara was chosen by Ras Alula, the representative of the negus Johannes (King John), as his headquarters.
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