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Meanings for asenath

Asenath is a book of Genesis of Egyptian Nationality.
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Wiki content for asenath

Asenath - Asenath (, Hebrew: אָסְנַת, Modern: ʾAsənat, Tiberian: ʾĀsenaṯ) is a minor figure in the Book of Genesis.
Asenath Barzani - Asenath Barzani (1590–1670), was a renowned Kurdish and Jewish woman who lived in Iraq. Her writings demonstrate her mastery of Hebrew, Torah, Talmud, Midrash, and Kabbalah.
Asenath Nicholson - Asenath Hatch Nicholson (February 24, 1792 – May 15, 1855) was an American vegan, social observer and philanthropist.
Asenath Bole Odaga - Asenath Bole Odaga (1937 – 2014) was a Kenyan publisher and author of novels, plays, children's books, and other literary works.
Asenathi Jim - Asenathi Jim (born 26 January 1992 in Cape Town) is a South African sailor, who specialized in two-person dinghy (470) class.
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Examples of in a sentence

ASENATH L. BUTLER, 96, South Lake Drive,...
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Asenath M. (SEENIE) Hartline
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DNA Jews, Khazars, and Asenath
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Kenya: Remembering Mama Asenath Bole Odaga
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Asenath Barzani: Remarkable Hebrew Scholar
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Translations of asenath

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Trending news on asenath

DNA Jews, Khazars, and Asenath
Feb. 29, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ -- According to scholar Terry McIntosh, the subject of DNA regarding Jews, Khazars, and Palestinians is twisted for ... The Hebrew Joseph married an Arabic..View article
Christan News Wire Christan News Wire
Asenath M. (SEENIE) Hartline
Asenath M. (SEENIE) Hartline, 98, formerly of Mt. Holly Springs passed away Sunday February 10, 2013. She was the widow of James B. Hartline who passed away October 12, 1980. Asenath was bor..View article
The Sentinel The Sentinel
ASENATH L. BUTLER, 96, South Lake Drive,...
ASENATH L. BUTLER, 96, South Lake Drive, Orange City, died Thursday, June 15. Mrs. Butler was a homemaker. Born in New York, she moved to Central Florida in 1960. She was a member of America..View article
Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel
Kenya: Remembering Mama Asenath Bole Odaga
Asenath Bole Odaga was not an obscure writer, yet the mention of her name leaves one with the feeling that she is not well-known to many Kenyans and therefore she is not celebrated here at h..View article
AllAfrica.com AllAfrica.com
Asenath Barzani: Remarkable Hebrew Scholar
Asenath Barzani was the daughter of Rabi Samuel ben Nethanel HaLevi Barzani, a rabbinic scholar in Kurdistan. He had founded several yeshivot and was head of the yeshivah in Mosul. As he had..View article
image-unavailable Jewish Press
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