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Pronunciation of arrogate with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈærəgeɪt
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Phonetic spelling of arrogate

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Meanings for arrogate

To seize something without any one's authoriy.
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Synonyms for arrogate

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Antonyms for arrogate

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Wiki content for arrogate

Examples of in a sentence

The hackers arrogated our data.
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Premature death of Arrogate leaves an almighty hole in Juddmonte's US roster
Listen Premature death of Arrogate leaves an almighty hole in Juddmonte's US roster pronunciation
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Arrogate v Frankel - how does Cup hero match up to a legend?
Listen Arrogate v Frankel - how does Cup hero match up to a legend? pronunciation
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Arrogate soundly beaten at Del Mar
Listen Arrogate soundly beaten at Del Mar pronunciation
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No excuses for Arrogate flop
Listen No excuses for Arrogate flop pronunciation
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arrogate should be in sentence

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Translations of arrogate

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Trending news on arrogate

No excuses for Arrogate flop
Listen No excuses for Arrogate flop pronunciation
Trainer Bob Baffert has found no reason for Arrogate's flop in the San Diego Handicap and says the world's highest-rated horse will press on to the Group One Pacific Classic. The Dubai World..View article
image-unavailable Nine.com.au
Arrogate soundly beaten at Del Mar
Listen Arrogate soundly beaten at Del Mar pronunciation
The world's best horse Arrogate has looked anything but, running a distant fourth in the Group Two San Diego Stakes won by Accelerate at Del Mar. Jockey Mike Smith tried everything he could..View article
image-unavailable Nine.com.au
Arrogate v Frankel - how does Cup hero match up to a legend?
Listen Arrogate v Frankel - how does Cup hero match up to a legend? pronunciation
However, in Arrogate and Frankel we have been fortunate to enjoy two horses who seem to reconfigure what's possible every time they step on the racetrack and it is therefore inevitable that..View article
Racing Post Racing Post
Premature death of Arrogate leaves an almighty hole in Juddmonte's US roster
Listen Premature death of Arrogate leaves an almighty hole in Juddmonte's US roster pronunciation
Arrogate’s untimely death on Tuesday is a major blow to Juddmonte’s US stallion operation, with the highest-earning North American racehorse in history having retired as one of the most exci..View article
Racing Post Racing Post
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