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Learn Aristarchus pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Aristarchus in English

    Phonetic spelling of Aristarchus

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    ar-uh-stahr-kuh s
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    Meanings for Aristarchus

    Aristarchus of Samos was a Greek astronomer plus mathematician and he was the first person to propose a sun-centered universe.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Although the heliocentric system is not mentioned in the treatise, a quotation in the Arenarius of Archimedes from a work of Aristarchus proves that he anticipated the great discovery of Copernicus.
    Listen Although the heliocentric system is not mentioned in the treatise, a quotation in the Arenarius of Archimedes from a work of Aristarchus proves that he anticipated the great discovery of Copernicus. pronunciation
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    9 A genuine heliocentric system, developed by Aristarchus of Samos (fl.
    Listen 9 A genuine heliocentric system, developed by Aristarchus of Samos (fl. pronunciation
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    To counteract, perhaps, the growing Lydian influence, Athens, the mother-city of Ephesus, despatched one of her noblest citizens, Aristarchus, to restore law on the basis of the Soloman constitution.
    Listen To counteract, perhaps, the growing Lydian influence, Athens, the mother-city of Ephesus, despatched one of her noblest citizens, Aristarchus, to restore law on the basis of the Soloman constitution. pronunciation
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    Aristarchus is also said to have invented two sun-dials, one hemi spherical, the so-called scaphion, the other plane.
    Listen Aristarchus is also said to have invented two sun-dials, one hemi spherical, the so-called scaphion, the other plane. pronunciation
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    See Bergk-Hinrichs, Aristarchus von Samos (1883); Tannery, Aristarque de Samos; also Astronomy.
    Listen See Bergk-Hinrichs, Aristarchus von Samos (1883); Tannery, Aristarque de Samos; also Astronomy. pronunciation
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    Trending news on Aristarchus

    The Best of the Grammarians: Aristarchus of Samothrace on the Iliad
    Listen The Best of the Grammarians: Aristarchus of Samothrace on the Iliad pronunciation
    This chapter will serve as an introduction to the book. After a brief outline of what we know of Aristarchus’ life, the focus will be on the sources for Aristarchus’ fragments on theIliadand..View article
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