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Meanings for Arietis

It is a double star in the northern constellation of Aries the distance between two stars is approximately 590 light-years.
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Wiki content for Arietis

Examples of in a sentence

Absegmina Penis Arietis, Oculi Cancrorum (Slices of Penis of a Sheep, Eyes of Crabs), 2011
Listen Absegmina Penis Arietis, Oculi Cancrorum (Slices of Penis of a Sheep, Eyes of Crabs), 2011 pronunciation
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Alpha Arietis b
Listen Alpha Arietis b pronunciation
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This may, however, be an instance of Miillerian rather than of Batesian mimicry, the beetle being itself inedible; for Shelford has stated his conviction that the Bornean representatives of the sub-family (Clytinae), to which Clytus arietis belongs, are all highly distasteful and are warningly colou
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In the European Longicorn (Clytus arietis), on the other hand, the elytra are of normal length and are banded with yellow stripes.
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Two thousand years ago his constellation marked the spring equinox when the Sun crossed the celestial equator near Beta and Gamma Arietis
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Trending news on Arietis

30 Arietis B b
Listen 30 Arietis B b pronunciation
30 Arietis B b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits an F-type star. Its mass is 13.82 Jupiters, it takes 335.1 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.99 AU from its star. Its disco..View article
image-unavailable NASA
Alpha Arietis b
Listen Alpha Arietis b pronunciation
Alpha Arietis b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a K-type star. Its mass is 1.8 Jupiters, it takes 380.8 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 1.2 AU from its star. Its discover..View article
image-unavailable NASA
Absegmina Penis Arietis, Oculi Cancrorum (Slices of Penis of a Sheep, Eyes of Crabs), 2011
Listen Absegmina Penis Arietis, Oculi Cancrorum (Slices of Penis of a Sheep, Eyes of Crabs), 2011 pronunciation
This work is part of a limited edition set. In her best-known series, “Not a Rose,” Neo-conceptualist artist Heide Hatry presents lush images of what look like tropical flowers. Upon closer..View article
image-unavailable Artsy

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