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Wiki content for Ariane

Ariane - Ariane may refer to:
Ariane 5 - Ariane 5 is a European heavy-lift launch vehicle that is part of the Ariane rocket family, an expendable launch system designed by the French government space agency Centre national d'études
Ariane 6 - Ariane 6 is a launch vehicle developed and manufactured by ArianeGroup under the authority of the European Space Agency (ESA), with a first test flight scheduled for 2020. When development is
Arianny Celeste - Arianny Celeste (born Penelope López Márquez on November 12, 1985) () is an American ring girl and model.
Arianespace - Arianespace SA is a multinational company founded in 1980 as the world's first commercial launch service provider.
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Examples of in a sentence

Some of his finest tragedies were written for her, but her repertoire was not confined to them, and many an indifferent play - like Thomas Corneille's Ariane and Comte d'Essex - owed its success to her natural manner of acting, and her pathetic rendering of the hapless heroine.
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Measat chooses Ariane for 8K satellite
Listen Measat chooses Ariane for 8K satellite pronunciation
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Ariane 5 Rocket Launches Satellites into Orbit for Egypt, Inmarsat
Listen Ariane 5 Rocket Launches Satellites into Orbit for Egypt, Inmarsat pronunciation
102 ratings rating ratings
Space market holds breath for $850mn Ariane launch
Listen Space market holds breath for $850mn Ariane launch pronunciation
92 ratings rating ratings
Ariane rocket launches two satellites from French Guiana
Listen Ariane rocket launches two satellites from French Guiana pronunciation
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Trending news on Ariane

Ariane 5 Rocket Launches Satellites into Orbit for Egypt, Inmarsat
Listen Ariane 5 Rocket Launches Satellites into Orbit for Egypt, Inmarsat pronunciation
The Ariane 5 launch, the fourth successful flight of Arianespace's workhorse rocket this year, lifted off from the Guiana Space Center near Kourou, French Guiana, at 4:23 p.m. EST (2123 GMT..View article
Space.com Space.com
Space market holds breath for $850mn Ariane launch
Listen Space market holds breath for $850mn Ariane launch pronunciation
Space market underwriters will be watching the Arianespace flight from French Guiana tonight with bated breath, as a launch with an insured value well in excess of current market premium tak..View article
Inside FAC Inside FAC
Ariane rocket launches two satellites from French Guiana
Listen Ariane rocket launches two satellites from French Guiana pronunciation
The Ariane 5 rocket will be carrying the TIBA-1 telecommunications satellite and the Inmarsat GX5 mobile communications satellite, Trend reports citing Sputnik. The commercial launch service..View article
Trend News Agency Trend News Agency
Ariane 5 takes off for its 250th flight
Listen Ariane 5 takes off for its 250th flight pronunciation
The inventors of the famous Ariane spacecraft are looking to increase their budget to keep challenging American and Chinese firms. But now even the private sector is entering the game. Simon..View article
image-unavailable Journal du Cameroun
Ariane Group Delighted with ESA Ministerial Council Decisions
Listen Ariane Group Delighted with ESA Ministerial Council Decisions pronunciation
ArianeGroup and its European industrial partners are initiating the transition between Ariane 5 and Ariane 6 and preparing for the future of European access to space. Ariane 6 is a European..View article
Satellite News Satellite News
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