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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˌɑːkɪˈpeləgəʊ
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    Video Pronunciation of Archipelago in English

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    Meanings for Archipelago

    a group of islands in a large body of water.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    A Chilean archipelago rivaling the Galápagos fends off invasive species
    Listen A Chilean archipelago rivaling the Galápagos fends off invasive species pronunciation
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    Italy’s Aeolian Archipelago Bans Island-Hopping To Stop COVID
    Listen Italy’s Aeolian Archipelago Bans Island-Hopping To Stop COVID pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    No More Cruises To Seychelles As Archipelago Bans Cruise Ships Until 2022
    Listen No More Cruises To Seychelles As Archipelago Bans Cruise Ships Until 2022 pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    UNESCO-Recognized Brazil Archipelago Resists Bolsonaro’s Tourism Plans
    Listen UNESCO-Recognized Brazil Archipelago Resists Bolsonaro’s Tourism Plans pronunciation
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    Test fired successfully, BrahMos dazzles at the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago
    Listen Test fired successfully, BrahMos dazzles at the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago pronunciation
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    Trending news on Archipelago

    Hilton Garden Inn Faroe Islands becomes first internationally branded hotel on the archipelago
    Listen Hilton Garden Inn Faroe Islands becomes first internationally branded hotel on the archipelago pronunciation
    Hilton Garden Inn Faroe Islands is in the capital of Torshavn on the archipelago's island of Streymoy Hilton said the hotel is only five minutes from the beautiful Svartafoss Waterfall and t..View article
    image-unavailable Daily Mail
    Iota Deals Another Blow to Colombian Archipelago’s Tourism amid Pandemic
    Listen Iota Deals Another Blow to Colombian Archipelago’s Tourism amid Pandemic pronunciation
    Iota deals a severe blow to the plans to reopen the traditional tourist sites in the set of islands, including Morgan’s Cave, which has been closed since mid-March due to the coronavirus pan..View article
    Latin American Herald Tribune Latin American Herald Tribune
    Successful containment of COVID-19 in a Brazilian archipelago
    Listen Successful containment of COVID-19 in a Brazilian archipelago pronunciation
    A group of 21 islands about 350 kilometers off Brazil's northeast coast is Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (FNA). The team of researchers in May 2020, headed by Ligia Regina Franco Sansigolo..View article
    image-unavailable News Medical
    Mozambique: Illegal Fishing Boats Seized in Bazaruto Archipelago
    Listen Mozambique: Illegal Fishing Boats Seized in Bazaruto Archipelago pronunciation
    Maputo — So far this year, rangers in the Bazaruto Archipelago National Park, in the southern Mozambican province of Inhambane have seized 28 boats fishing illegally in the park's protected..View article
    image-unavailable AllAfrica.com
    Test fired successfully, BrahMos dazzles at the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago
    Listen Test fired successfully, BrahMos dazzles at the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago pronunciation
    The supersonic cruise missile was test fired at 10 AM today and it successfully hit its target. The test was conducted by the Indian Army which has many regiments of the DRDO-developed Missi..View article
    Oneindia Oneindia
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