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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˌɑːkɪəˈlɒʤɪkl ɑːkɪəˈlɔʤɪkəl
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Phonetic spelling of archaeological

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Meanings for archaeological

It is a field of study, that deals with material culture.
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Synonyms for archaeological

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Examples of in a sentence

Plundered archaeological artifacts are making it from the Guatemalan jungle to wealthy black-market buyers
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1812) edited the correspondence of Cardinal de Granvelle; Alphonse Wauters (1818-1898), archivist of Brussels, published many archaeological works; and Charles Rahlenbeck (1823-1903) wrote enthusiastically of the history of Protestantism in Belgium.
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In 1804 he accepted the post of librarian to Amelia, duchess-dowager of Weimar, which gave him the leisure he desired for the purpose of turning to account the literary and archaeological researches in which he had engaged at Rome.
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Exploration and Research.Owing to its early development of a high civilization with written records, its wealth, and its preservative climate, Egypt is the country which most amply repays archaeological research.
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Our present concern with the archaeological evidence thus briefly outlined, and with much more of the kind, may be summed up in the question: What in general terms is the inference to be drawn by the world-historian from the Assyrian records in their bearings upon the Hebrew writings ?
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archaeological should be in sentence

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